Making Space for Awkward Conversations with Teens
Fathers must make time to teach their children, which requires growing your relationships with your children so much that you can have “awkward conversations.”
Fathers must make time to teach their children, which requires growing your relationships with your children so much that you can have “awkward conversations.”
Western society expects immature, idle teen years. Christian homes often follow suit. What is God's view on Christian teens?
Spending time one-on-one with your kids will help you to build relationships and engage in heart-level conversations.
To protect your teens online, you need 1) A fence, 2) swim lessons, and 3) supervision. Learn how these steps relate to protecting our teens online.
How can you help your teenager behave in a manner pleasing to God? You must begin with the gospel as new birth produces new behavior.
Teaching your children is a 24-hour God-given responsibility so here is some practical advice for dads about creating, finding, and seizing teachable moments.
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