God, Give Me A New Teenager! (Part 1)
How can you help your teenager behave in a manner pleasing to God? You must begin with the gospel as new birth produces new behavior.
How can you help your teenager behave in a manner pleasing to God? You must begin with the gospel as new birth produces new behavior.
God’s Word shows us that a Christian family is defined by something far greater than habits or appearance.
The Bible tells us that there is only one person who can enable us to love our children. Let’s take a closer look at Him and His amazing love for our families.
How do you know if you really love your children like God desires? Paul gives us a picture of how God describes love to help us pattern our love.
God has provided clear and powerful instructions in His Word for fathers.
“Peace on earth” may seem more like a seasonal sentiment than a cultural reality. Tensions are high in our country and sometimes in our own homes and hearts.
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